Life has become more intense in a good way I suppose; this month has been somewhat an industrious one. Well at least from my point of view hihi…
But we’re not really going into all the details of all the things that went through. Possibly I’m gonna be a bit sentimental this time, we all do that some times don’t we.
U know, Penang has a special place in my heart but then again certainly many others would share the same sentiment as I do. Well, there was a period in my childhood when my father was studying at USM, and those were the times when it was not so crowded, the KOMTAR was like KLCC and the Penang bridge could still accomodate the traffic both ways in and out of the Island. I still remember the crispy oversived groeng pisang which is extinct now I suppose, the sweet putu piring and the fish head curry which sadly I could not recall the place.
the bike zx10r
I was in Penang earlier this month, spent a few days there for work and the other times getting lost in the island in my juvenile quests :) Oh... did I tell u that while waiting for my colleague, before dinner I spent some time watching some big bikes being unloaded from a truck at a shop. There were two beauties that really struck me. Just pleasure for the eyes now, but I'll get one soon.
I had these mission prioritized in my head when I get to know that I'd be staying there for a few days in Penang. Of course I've been here so0o many times but this is ultimately the first time ever that I scoured this island on my own. M definitely excited about this and some of the things that I did was to purchase pickles for my Aries and officemates, finding my way to Penang street savor the ever addictive Line Clear nasi Kandar and the final destination must be the cheap DVD's in Ferringhi !
these photos were meant to be with the the previous posting, since I badly need the first one for the month I've decided to just create a new post instead ;)
Now it's evident that I'm surrounded with fun loving people and lotsa love around!!!
Now that's not a lot of food... only love is plenty not the food lol... !
excuse me... who said I have the lesser appetite???
just ask our 'head honcho', he'll say "Life is measured by the total sum of experience" that's according to him is his motto, the other is "Have Fun!"
So u see, when we have fun and share the love, then everyone around us would feel the vibe!